Author archives: Becky

Salt Lake Temple Wedding

We had beautiful weather for this wedding. Even when the clouds threatened to storm it was gorgeous. Jon thought he would be busy writing his law review paper, so I somehow managed to make one of my dear friends from high school be my assistant. Little did Jon know that our car and baby disagread with his good study habits. After dropping me off at Temple Square, Jon started home. He only made it to 1300 E before our car gave one last heive and died. I had Michelle, my friend, drive me home and then I paniced about how to get to the reception. Luckly a neighbor let me borrow their car and everything turned out ok. Except for our car I still don’t know what’s wrong with it. I hate car trouble!

Fun with Photoshop

I can’t help it, I’ve made a new photo friend and she has inspired me! Her name is Kristy and she owns Kristy C Photo. She is awesome at Photoshop and has been showing me a few things. It is so much fun! So I’ve been staying up late and working on a few things to share. I’m sure I will have more to post later, my one year old willing…She is them most attention driven baby I have ever meet!

I love these photos of Jon and I that I took on tripod and self timer in China. A kiss on the great wall is wonderful! You should all do it once in your life. And if you ever get the chance to live abroad in your early marriage I highly recommend it! It will strengthen you in way you would never know and the memories I made are some of my favorite.

Well, aren’t we fancy! New products!

When these little babies arrived in the mail I couldn’t keep my jaw from dropping to the floor! They are awesome and one is included in our $1399 package. Such an insanely nice album at and even crazier price! But if you want leather and the little baby books you must book our top package. But boy is it worth it! They are made in Italy with real Italian leather. Goodness, photos have never had it so good! I feel that mad props are due to the photographer who recommended these albums to me. THANK YOU Amy of Amy Lynn Studios. Amy is an awesome photographer!
Oh, and I must mentions that we now have photo strips available in matte, glossy and COLOR! The photobooth is free with any of our wedding packages. We print off these little numbers for the guest and the guest book.

Utah Family Photos

wedding photography blog, wedding photographer utah, utah salt lake city photobooth and weddings
are you reading this? stop stealing my photos! ha ha! I should be your photographer and you know it!
Becky we love our photos! Great job on shooting our wedding. Utah wedding photography. blog
photobooth, wedding, blog, family, photos, photography, great utah photography blog, bridal,
I was so excited to take these photos for my friend’s family. I guess it’s rare that they are all in town for a family reunion. It was a little bit crazy because we took most of the weekend off to go and visit Jon’s family up in Bennington. A little town in Idaho close to Bear Lake. So we met for photos at Sundance on our way back into town. I was a little worried that everything might not meet up time wise. But it worked out perfectly. The clouds were a little threatening, but luckly they didn’t decide to pour down in quarter-sized drops until after the photo shoot. The kids’ photos are my favorite!

Senior Portraits in Salt Lake City

This is my handsome nephew. We meant to get started earlier in the day and let him get back to his very full social life. But some how between here, Salt Lake City, and Bountiful he took a wrong turn and ended up in Ogden. Finally he ended up at a grocery store just west of where we live. Jon and I decided that we should meet him. I didn’t want him to get lost and end up in Vegas.

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photobooth photo booth salt lake city rent a photo booth for your wedding great fun studio on locaiton perfect wedding great photos love them