Author archives: Becky

Free Action

It was fun to experiment in Photoshop to achieve a vintage feel to my photographs. Note that these actions are made for my images and results might vary on yours. Although, I think it’s interesting to see the steps in the actions. To date I have never purchased any actions, but I would find it fascinating to see how others had achieved similar results. photobooth photo booth rent our photo booth salt lake city utah Utah wedding photographer wedding photos slc photo booth we are awesome rent us for your wedding if you are reading this stop highlighting and rent my photo booth already salt lake city utah wedding photographer great work trendy new

photo booth utah wedding photographer rent us we love you! we rock weddings! you know you know you want us! utah wedding photograph

wanna look hot? you need ravenberg photography we do photobooths in salt lake city utah photobooth photo booth salt lake city rent photo

New Hair Cut

I was awkward eeexxxtremely awkward when I was fourteen. I wish I had a photo, but I think I burned them during a violent bratty teenage breakdown. My older sister Julie has been my mentor through all of my life’s trials. So when I was fourteen and going through this right of passage she convinced my mom to take me to have Oscar cut my hair. I have been hooked ever since! He turned me from awkward shy teenage girl to self absorbed drama queen. Seriously, I had to–HAD TO–have him do my hair for every prom. He is amazing! He just understands female beauty. He can see it in any woman and enhances it. If any bride is looking for a hairdresser for their wedding I’ll send you his info.

Red Carpet Event:Utah Photo booths

When I think of Rice-Eccles Stadium I usually think of tailgating football fans in a sea of red. I never knew that the stadium had a romantic side to it! The view was to die for. We brought our fanciest red velvet backdrop. I felt just like the paparazzi as I flashed around 700 images! I’m thinking of quitting the wedding biz and joining the crew at TMZ. Too bad the only celebrity in Utah is Gary Coleman.

Cross Process Lomo Action

I bought my first lomo camera at the Sydney Museum of Fine Art. It was a cute little plastic camera that took four photos in a row. One of my favorite professors, Joe Ostraff, had one and I was very jealous of his cool photos. He also let me borrow his Holga. I remember developing film in hostel bathrooms and making prints by the light of our flashlights. My photos amazed my professors so much that they convinced me to change my major from fine art to photography. I made it into the program and the rest is history.

Enjoy the action!

It’s designed to be used on a 2912×4368 pixel image. If your image is close to this size and dimension–you should get great effects. If not…no guarantees.

It should show you the action when you scroll over.

Wedding Songs

I love details. It drives my husband crazy! I love planning details. I sometimes wish I could have been engaged for longer just so I could have ooed and gooed more over all the details. I had an extremely short engagement. It was about three months. Jon was really excited to have me all to himself. He said, “if he would have given me more time, I might have had enough time to think about it and decide not to go through with it.” Fat chance! I love him too much. I would have just used the time to plan more details. I’m sure that I drove Jon and my mother crazy. Although, you do only get married once! Now I love to ask brides about all their little detials. I love to know what’s in and what I might have done differently if I were to get married this year instead of in 2005. My last bride had the cutest song for their couples dance. Once she told me it, I listened to it for days. And of course then I listened to Jon and mine song. I don’t know if Jon realizes it’s our song because he came in and saw it on youtube and said, “I don’t like that music video.” To that I say, “tough!” As the girl I am in charge of choosing our song and any other detail! We once got in a fight about a green blender that he has never lived down.

This is mine and Jon song. I’ve deleted the youtube link because it took too much space on my blog but it’s Bright Eyes First day of my Life.

Here is another song that we put on our wedding video. I think it’s really cute. This is a cover but the original is by Rhett Miller/Old 97’s. The song is called Question

This was the song that my last bride choose for their song. It’s The way I am.

photobooth, rent, photo booth, salt lake city, utah, wedding photography, wedding photographer, cool, crazy photo booth, awesome, bride,
I would love to make a mix tape of love songs. So if you have a great wedding love song let me know!
ls, photos

Photoshop Action 1

High school summer jobs. My friend Nanette always tried to convince me to be life guard with her, my pasty white skin was always jealous of her nice tan. We both worked at Lagoon, a local amusement park, she worked in the glowing sunlight of the water park and I spent my summer in the red hue of the darkroom at the Old Fashioned Photo Parlor. It was awesome! They had a dark room and large format cameras. Needless to say I was hooked. A couple years ago my friend Michelle wanted her little sister to have my same job at Lagoon. Through her I learned that they had gone digital, as has most of the world. Photoshop has become the darkroom of digital photography. My schooling at BYU taught me both. I always felt like I knew my way around the darkroom and around Photoshop. Until lately…. Since shooting more and more weddings I find myself around more and more photographers. A couple weeks ago I found myself having this conversation.

her, “What actions do you use?”
me, “Actions?”
her, “You know actions, you use them in Photoshop. You know what Photoshop is, right.”
me….please don’t make me punch you, “Yeah, I know what Photoshop is.”
her, “you know you use them on your Photographs and they do cool things. Like I really want this action that does…..”
me, “oh, I guess I just do that in Photoshop.”

So I decided that I had better figure out what actions were and how to use them. Once I saw what they were and how to make them I decided to make my own. Bellow is an action that I made. I actually like to use actions now. If any other photographer out there doesn’t know what an action is, like I didn’t, I would love to chat and get you up to speed. For the rest of you feel free to download my action for free. Check back regularly for more actions. I hope to do a post once a week with a free action, so follow my blog (add me at the bottom of this page) and don’t miss out.

You can scroll over the photo below to see the action “in action.”

Photo booth at the Delta Center: Utah photo booths

Jon felt Deron Willaims as we drove up to the front doors of the Delta Center in Salt Lake City. It was my first time to be in the stadium-ever! I know growing up in Utah I should have been to a game by now. Infact I don’t know why I haven’ mom is an avide Jazz fan. I think maybe she was banned from the Delta center for her avid cursing at the judges and never told me about it, and that’s why she’s never taken me. Even though the Jazz are on the road, it was an amazing experience to be able to do a photo booth up in the skybox. We set up the photo booth so that in one corner you could have your photo shot out over the arena and in the other corner you could do it on our white backdrop. I love all the shots. But I must admit it was amazing to shoot over the stadium. The students from LDS BC know how to rock a party!

Bountiful Wedding: Utah Wedding Photography

One thing you should know about me is that I’m horrible with names. I am trying so hard to be better with this! I know how important it is to remember names. I’ve read the first chapter of How to Win Friends and Influence People. Still I struggle! When I was young original names were easy for me to remember. I still can remember the first Quincy, Bo, and Van that I meet in grade school. Now that I’m older learning a new name is like trying to learn Chinese. Or trying to remember the Chinese I’ve learned. It’s hard! So when I first started to talk to Kedrick it was over email. And I read his name Keedrick. So I kept calling him KEYdrick. I must apologize to him! To make matters worse during my last photo shoot I kept calling Christian–Kedrick…I finally started to say Kedrick. But, of coarse, it was with the wrong person! I’m working on this. I’m setting a goal to be better. I love these photos of Kedrick and…….Ok, so I know her name is Krystal but I don’t know how to spell it. Spelling is one of my other really weak points. Cristal, Kristal, Crystal, hummmm….I even tried to find an email with it in it… I just hope that they can find it in their hearts to overlook my faults!

photo booth, photobooth, utah rent, wedding photography, fun, trendy salt lake city, photo booth