Author archives: Becky

Teresa’s Engagements: Utah Engagement Photography

It might look like the beach but be warned, its beauty is only skin deep. It has the bitter brine of the Great Salt Lake. Somehow extreme but beautiful weather conditions seem to love Teresa. The last time I hung out with her was on a road trip. We squeezed her, my great friend Michelle, and I into my little Nissan truck. It was a blazing day in summer with two window air conditioning. It was beautiful but scorching hot. Today it was beautiful, but it was also a wind storm. No amount of aqua net was going to be able to control Teresa’s hair today! That said, her hair was gorgeous! She definatly knows how to rock the wind blown look.
She’s a cute little bag or potatoes! Love the way the her hair is blowing in the wind!

photobooth, photo booth, salt lake city, wedding, photographer, utah, rent, rental, great photographer, fun, trendy, photo booth, rent,
photobooth, photo booth, salt lake city, wedding, photographer, utah, rent, rental, great photographer, fun, trendy, photo booth, rent,
photo booth, photobooth, great utah wedding photography, salt lake city, rent, rental, photos, photobooth, wedding, engagements, weddingg
we had a great flow together.  Teresa looked so good in her poses!  She just would flow right into the pose.  posing her was so much fun! I can’t wait to take her wedding photos in salt lake city.photobooth, utah wedding engagment flow, jounalistic photography posing, great photos

How to lose ten pounds in one photo!

Julie, my sister, and I have been very close despite the difference of eight years in age.  She has been my mentor, and I’ve been imittating her since I was one.  She is a great business woman and owner of Cosmo Cricket Scrapbook Products.  For years we have talked like best friends.   And inevitably, like any two girls, we discus how we are going to make our very voluptuous Rubenisc bodies into the more modern petite Degasisc ballet dancer bodies.  Julie is always telling me the latest diet she is trying.  I take very good notes that I decide to eat with chocolate later.  As we both struggle with this war that has plagued women for decades, I mentioned to Julie there are a few tricks to deceive a photo into making you look like you have lost ten pounds.  This is a much better trick than the gaining ten pounds that the camera usually adds!  And since I know that as women; we are always struggling to lose that extra ten pounds that we gained in college, after we had that baby, we need to lose before summer…you get the idea.  These are handy to have up your sleeve.
Julie was a great sport to pose for these photos.  We hurried and snapped them in the five minute interval that we overlapped down at my mom’s house.  Seriously, I got there late and she was already asleep and then she left bright and early in the morning.  I was literally running around convincing her we could squeeze it in somewhere between Jack crying to take home his rock collection and Kate and Abby’s pigtails.

photobooth, photo booth, salt lake city, wedding, photographer, utah, rent, rental, great photographer, fun, trendy, photo booth, rent,
photobooth, photo booth, salt lake city, wedding, photographer, utah, rent, rental, great photographer, fun, trendy, photo booth, rent,
photobooth, photo booth, salt lake city, wedding, photographer, utah, rent, rental, great photographer, fun, trendy, photo booth, rent,
photobooth, photo booth, salt lake city, wedding, photographer, utah, rent, rental, great photographer, fun, trendy, photo booth, rent, 

  • good posture
  • show your smallest point (waist) and a waist turned to the side is even smaller!
  • keeps arms up and away keeping them thin and defining your waist
  • use depth of field to your advantage
  • shoot above when able
  • put weight on leg farthest from camera
PS. I’ve been thinking of doing other tips in future blogs.  Maybe something along the lines of how to use natural light beautifully, how to take good photos with a point and shoot, how to pose couples, how to make your own photo back drops, different tips in Photoshop.  If you have any suggestion let me know.  

Wedding Expectations:Vendor of the Month

It was a frantic blur of Beckys.  Becky was getting married.  Becky from Wedding Expectations had planned the wedding.  And I, Becky, was taking photos.  You should have been there for our first meeting.  I felt like I was back in grade school and should start going by Becky R so people could distinguish me from the other Beckys.  Both Beckys were splendid to work with!  And I really want to thank Becky from Wedding Expectations for making me the Vendor of the month.  We make a great team!  Check out her website at  

Rebecca and Noahs Wedding: Utah Photo Booth

I’m so glad that Rebecca decided to do a photo booth. I adore the photos I got of her! We printed out double strips so that guest could put one in her book and keep one for themselves. We had a blast!

photo booth photobooth we had so much fun with the photo booth in utah. you should rent a photo booth.  It’s a great trend.  We are in Salt Lake City Utah.  Photo booths at weddings are the next big thing.  We love to do photo booths.  photobooth slc photobooth slc photo booth salt lake city utah weddingphotobooth utah salt lake city photo booth photo booth wedding we had a photo booth at our wedding we loved it photo

Park City Wedding!

Rebecca and Noah are simply the cutest together! Rebecca simply lights up when she sees him. The Kimball art center in Park City was the perfect backdrop for their special day. This was my first experience shooting a Jewish wedding. The ceremony was so sacred, peaceful and beautiful. I was so glad that I could be a part of capturing that!

Photo booth photos to come! This is what our photo booth set up looks like, in case any of you were wondering.


First I wanted to thank everybody who entered. Yes all two of you! Ok, so my first give away didn’t work out like I had planned. Maybe my next photo booth give away will work out better. But I’m still excited to print one of the images out as a 20×30. So I put Shirlene and Stacey Marie’s names into a drawing and the lucky winner is…..STACEY MARIE! Don’t feel too bad for Shirlene, the lab messed up and doubled her order. Ok, Stacey Marie to claim your prized go to my website then to the contact tab and send me an email with your address and the image number you want printed. I will take care of the rest. Thanks for playing!
photobooth, photo booth, rent, wedding, party, fun, salt lake city, utah, ravenberg photography
Which one will she choose?

Mark Family

When I woke up last Saturday and saw the snow I was a little bummed. I was worried about driving up to Ogden in bad weather. But when we left at two it was sunny. Utah always has the strangest weather. It was fun to see my high school friend Nicole and her extended family.  Here mother in law wanted something traditional with the family all together.  They were great to work with my for their photos.  Utah wedding photographer sepcializing in photo booth.  The photobooth is the perfect addition to any wedding.  Brides can add the photobooth for no additional charge.  Since starting the photo booth last spring it was been an instant hit.  We only use professional equipment with our photo booth so that our images can be blown up big or made in to a special album to remember the bride’s special day.  We print photo strips for your guests and additional photos can be printed for a guest book.  The photos we obtian by using the photo booth are fun and capture great memories.  We are reasonalbly priced to fit any budget.  Book now the best dates are going fast!

Bigger Better Photo Strips for Photo booth

So my loving hubby, Jon, programed some new softwear and was able to get the photos on my photostrips bigger. So now you can see your photos even better. Because my photobooth is actually my on location studio we only use professional equipment. As you can see from the post bellow that the little photos you see here can be blown up to as big as 20×30. So the photo strips not only make great party favors, they make for great blackmail!