Author archives: Becky

The Newton Machine

I love Topshop! It’s a shopping store in the UK. I absolutely love their clothes, so I signed up to get their newsletter sent to my email. Topshop is hosting a “Newton Machine” to honor Helmut Newton. Come to find out Helmut Newton was reputed to be one of the most expensive photographers ever, demanding £100,000 to £200,000 per day, plus expenses. (why didn’t I learn about him in a photography class? ahem–byu photo teachers) Anyway a “Newton Machine” (I love when photographers name things after themself–another favorite is the rayogram by Man Ray) is a machine; well, a camera, lights, tripod, huge mirror, and a twenty foot long cable release that lets the models take photos of themselves. Basically it was a way for him still to get paid his exorbinant amount of 200,000 pounds a day and not do anything. I thought it was a very fun idea and wasn’t that unsimilar to my photo booth idea. Now I just need a huge mirror and a long cable realese and we are in business to bring a “Newton Machine” to your wedding. Brilliant! This is why it pays to go shopping!

Here is a link to see a Newton Machine in full swing. It looks like a ton of fun!

business card

Here is a rough draft of my business card. The instructionsare how to make a pinhole camera using the business card and a 110 film cartidge. The card will have a hole were the second 0 on photography is. This acts as the aperature of the pinhole camera. It really works! So next time you see me ask me for my card so you can try it too.
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Crazy Photo Booth!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing this! I love having the control of the lighting and getting to show off all my equipment. After all I spent five years (yes, 5 years) of college studying photography and collecting gear so I might as well show it off! It is especially fun to see conservitave people get down and crazy. With guests being able to see there photos instantly (we also have instant print options) everyone loves to out do the last shot. If you are interested in booking this for your next event let me booth photobooth rent cool utah salt lake city rental photobooth bridals

Pregnant Photos, before it’s too late

When it comes to photography I have slowed down a little bit in anticipation of my baby.  Okay, so really I am the thing that has slowed down the most.  But you must admit it was impressive to take Kristen’s bridals in the train car when I was seven months pregnant.  Really the impressive part was her fiance helping me down from the train car at SEVEN months pregnant.  I am picky when it comes to photos of myself, like everyone I like to look good.   To make maters worse I usually take the photos of myself–well, myself.  I wouldn’t trust anybody else to make me look right!  So if I don’t like them I can only blame me.  This can be frustrating.  But, my two best friends from high school are also pregnant with their first babies and they are always asking to see photos of me.  So I finally broke down, dusted of my 5d, grabbed the tripod, and started taking photos.  Here are a few of my favorites. 


Photos For Cosmo Cricket’s Ads


Lately I have been busy helping Cosmo Cricket with their advertising campaign.  If you have never heard of Cosmo Cricket it is a scrapbook company with some pretty cool papers.  Eric Comstock is a great designer and even helped me with the design of my wedding invitations.  I loved them because he had the great idea of using letter press.  Anyway they sometimes have me take product shots, but these were a ton more fun because they were of Jon.  If you recognize Jon it’s because he is on my website.  (he is also my husband)  I guess you can say I have an “in” with Cosmo because I’m related to both Jon and Julie.  Anyway, here is one of the photos I took for them.  To see more check out their blogsite at  Not all of the photos are mine, but they are being better about giving me a credit tag line.  I hope you enjoy!

Kristen’s Bridals

These are some really cute bridal photos that I was able to take in Cache Valley. I love to have the beauty of the bride juxtaposed against a gritty background. I love urban landscapes and the bright colors, textures, and graphic shapes that I can find there. The bride was wonderful to work with and came well prepared. She wore thermals and big winter boats to wear the weather. I also loved that her dress separated in the middle. That way we were able to take it off and lift it up to her when she climbed into the rusty train car. Altogether it was a lot of fun! I can’t wait for the next new and exciting photo trip that lays in front of me!



