This is my friend Shelly she lives in my same apartment complex. She has the cutest little family EVER! I loved photographing them. I must admit that her two year old kept me on my toes! Heaven help me when my baby turns two! How do moms do it?! I’m so happy that we were able to take advantage of the fall leaves and nice weather. Here are a few of my favorits. If I have time I will post more later.
Here We Go Again!
So it’s official the U of U Institute of Religion has invited me back! I’m so excited! This time it’s on November 7th from 7-9. It is a dance to help special needs young adults. I just know that they will be a blast to photograph. So grab your dancing shoes and join us!

Baby Photos
I’m the best model ever! Aren’t I cute?
I love sleeping babies! So precious! Too bad Mary doesn’t believe in sleep!
I’m ready for my closs up!
How stinkin’ cute is she!? She is such a doll!
You can tell this one is mine because there are the most photos of her. What can I say? I love her. You can see more of the other two shoots at
Karate Baby!
This apple is tasty!
You Tube
So I was curious as to other photographers who do photo booths at weddings. So I was searching youtube and stumbled onto this cool art projcct. They set up a photo booth but also video taped it at the same time. So you could see the people talk and communicate and laugh between photos. Looks like a fun concept. Check it out here
The Newton Machine

Here is a link to see a Newton Machine in full swing. It looks like a ton of fun!
business card

Pregnant Photos, before it’s too late
When it comes to photography I have slowed down a little bit in anticipation of my baby. Okay, so really I am the thing that has slowed down the most. But you must admit it was impressive to take Kristen’s bridals in the train car when I was seven months pregnant. Really the impressive part was her fiance helping me down from the train car at SEVEN months pregnant. I am picky when it comes to photos of myself, like everyone I like to look good.  To make maters worse I usually take the photos of myself–well, myself. I wouldn’t trust anybody else to make me look right! So if I don’t like them I can only blame me. This can be frustrating. But, my two best friends from high school are also pregnant with their first babies and they are always asking to see photos of me. So I finally broke down, dusted of my 5d, grabbed the tripod, and started taking photos. Here are a few of my favorites.Â