Author archives: Becky

Lose ten pounds in one photo:Part II

A while ago I posted about how to lose ten pounds in one photo and the response was huge.  I have wanted to make a follow-up post for some time.  Since it’s New Years Day today, and people are starting on their New Year’s resolutions, I figured today was a perfect day to post about how you can look ten pounds lighter in a photo–even if it might take a few more weeks to actually drop the weight.  I shared these tips last spring and since then friends and family have shown me their photos and happily explain how much skinner they look than so-and-so. Darn so-and-so! Why must there always be that one person that makes you feel even worse about your body image?  I can guarantee that looking better than them in a photo is a high that’s totally worth it!  I especially feel that a bride should feel skinny and sexy on her wedding day.  I think there’s good logic behind making bridesmaids’ dresses ugly.  I would suggest a velvet top and a satin bottom, the velvet absorbed light making it look smaller and satin reflects light making it look bigger.   Okay, maybe now I’m just being mean!  Here are a few tips on how to make the camera make you lose those ten pounds instead of gain it.  So next time somebody pulls out their camera you can strut your stuff instead of running in the opposite direction.

I would like to thank my lovely bride for letting me post these pics.  I have done zero Photoshop retouching to make the bride look bigger or smaller in any of these photos.

how to look thin in your wedding photos

Photo A:In the first photo her arm looks larger than it really is. The arm is also hiding her natural waist fooling the eye into thinking her waist extends wider than it really does.

Photo B:By creating a window of light between her waist and arm she allows the camera to see how tiny she really is.  The arm is also slightly flexed making it smaller.  By lifting her arm up it helps her posture and brings her shoulder blades together making her shoulders less broad in the photo.

look skinny in your wedding photos Photo A:As a bride you will hold your bouquet for a lot of your photos.  While it is beautiful don’t let it get in the way of you being beautiful.  It will be a tendency for you to want to stick your arms to your sides and hold your bouquet up right under your chest.  This can block our view of your little waist and lets our minds imagine that there is more of it hidden behind your arms.  And pushing your arms against your sides pushes that little bit of arm skin up and makes your arms look bigger too.

Photo B:Relaxing your arms and moving outwards makes them appear smaller.  Lowering your bouquet lets your beautiful waistline be seen in the photo.  Now we can see the flowers and your sexy curves!

wedding photography that makes you look skinnyPhoto A:While I do think every bride should have a straight-on portrait, it can be more flattering to have it take slightly to the side to show off her nice high check bones.  Taking a photo straight-on can hide pretty check bones and make her face look slightly more broad.

Photo B:By turning her face to the side she does show a more feminine curve to her face.

blog about skinny wedding photosPhoto A:It’s simple perspective–things closer to the camera look bigger.  If you put your weight on your front leg it will look bigger.

Photo B:By moving her weight to her back leg it it moves her hip and butt farther back in the photo.  Being farther from the camera helps to elongate and slim her silhouette.

utah wedding photography blogPhoto A:Shooting from below the bride can be less flattering.  While your photographer may always be kneeling down to get the building behind you in the photo, make sure they get some shots that are taken above you as well.

Photo B:Here is another example of perspective.  The body appears smaller because it is farther from the camera than the head.  Shooting from above can not only slim your body, it can also give you a very coy look that is classically beautiful for a bride.

That wraps it up for now, to see more tips you can see the original entry here.

P.S. This was an awesome shoot we did in a greenhouse and we rocked it–so more photos to come!

I am a Utah wedding photographer and this is my wedding photography blog.  Here are great shots from St. George.

I’ve been featured! Plus a sneak peek!

I have been featured.  I’ve wanted to be featured for so long and finally I have been.  I feel like I’m on the Academy Awards.  I would like to thank my beautiful bride Krista and Azure at One Wed for making this fabulous event happen.  If you are a bride and you haven’t ogled over the eye candy over at One Wed you should defiantly check it out!  See me there at THIS LINK.

Here is a photo from my shoot today. More to come next year…ha ha

Utah Wedding Blog

I’m a photographer located in Utah and I love to shoot weddings in the Salt Lake City area.  This is my awesome blog.

Utah Groomal Session:Part 2

The vintage flare of the consignment shop was the perfect location to take Courtney and Josh’s bridal/groomal session.  It was nice to get out of the slosh and sleet outside and have awesome window light inside.  Then we headed a little north to Sugarhouse.  Jon, my husband, is going to law school and we live up by the U.  But our apartment insn’t quite as cool as the older houses we live around.  I often take my baby, Mary, on walks around the cool old houses.  I love them.  I’m hoping Jon will become quite the lawyer so that we can live in one sometime.  Anyway, I love the house down bellow and the people who live there were super sweet to let us take photos outside.  I love the ivy that grows on it.  Courtney and Josh I can’t wait to shoot your wedding in January!

fun utah wedding locationsfun-utah-wedding-location19fun utah wedding locations 18fun utah wedding locations 17fun utah wedding locations 16fun utah wedding locations 15fun utah wedding locations 8fun utah wedding locations 7fun utah wedding locations 6fun utah wedding locations 5fun utah wedding locations 3fun utah wedding locations 2fun utah wedding locations 4fun-utah-wedding-locations-fun utah wedding locations 13fun utah wedding locations 10fun utah wedding locations 9fun utah wedding locations 11

Are you looking for a Utah wedding photographer?  You’ve come to the right place!  I love to take beautiful photos of brides and grooms and their fantistic weddings.  If you are getting married in Utah take a look at my website Ravenberg Photography and give me a call.  You’ll love my photos of cool and trendy brides on their wedding day!  Love ya!

Caitlin’s wedding party knows how to party!

I just loved this little guy!  He loved stepping it up and dancing in the middle of all the brides maids!  I thought he was hilarious!   What a lady killer!  More awesome photos from Caitlin and Terry’s wedding soon to come.  Until then party on!

fun utah wedding photographer blog

Hey there fellow photographers!  Due to my husbands mad Chinese and sourcing skills (I knew that year he made me live in China wouldn’t be  a waste!)  we can get the same flash triggers I used in this photo for $100.  You get a trigger and two receivers.  Send me an email if you’re interested.  cool utah wedding photographer, bountiful utah wedding photographer, uah weddings at a great price fun! I would love to be your photographer and take awesome photos at your wedding check

Courtney Part I: Salt Lake City Bridal/Groomals

Courtney is one of the sweetest brides!  I have to admit that it was kind of intimidating meeting Courtney for the first time today.  I’m flying out to shoot her wedding in January.  Something about somebody paying extra to fly me out made me a little nervous to meet them in person.  But Courtney, her sister in law, Josh and her mom were some of the warmest people I’ve ever meet.  I love everything about Courtney.  She is sincerely kind and her and Josh are perfect together.  Josh was really somewhat nervous when we started but he was great as we went along.  I could tell that he truly cares about Courtney.  They were so kind to each other.  I can’t wait to get to know them better!

awesome utah wedding photography

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More from Krista’s Bridals

I had a ton of fun photographing Krista.  We got started a little late and I was worried about light.  We did squeeze a few natural light photos in before the sun set, but my favorite photos were actually the ones I took with flash.  I don’t have an assistant ( if you would be interested let me know, I’d love free labor-hee hee) but Krista sister was great with helping out with my off camera flashes.  She was a lovely bride and photographs so well!  I  love the little hat that her mom made for her.  Yes her mom made that! Utah wedding blog of a Utah wedding photo

utah wedding photographer 10

utah wedding photographer 12utah wedding photographer 14utah wedding photographer 13utah wedding photographer 15utah wedding photographer 11utah wedding photographer 9utah wedding photographer 8utah wedding photographer 7utah wedding photographer 5utah wedding photographer4utah wedding photographer2utah wedding photograher3utah wedding photographer1this is my photographer blog of my fun wedding photos.  If you are a bride looking for a great utah wedding photographer visit my website ravenberg photography.  thanks for stopping by my utah wedding photography blog.  see you in salt lake city, temple weddings

Krista and her amazing bridals.

This post is just for Krista.  She was so excited when I told her I might be able to get a sneak peak of her bridals we took tonight.  Otherwise she would have had to wait until after thanksgiving and these bridals were just to beautiful to sit around collecting dust while I was busy eating turkey.  Krista picked some awesome locations in down town Salt Lake City.   I bet Alex will love these of you!  To bad he has to wait until June to see them!

utah-bride2Seriously this shot was right out of the camera!  I really feel like I’m stepping up my photo game.


This ended up being a little long for a sneak peak, but seriously so many fantastic photos to choose from! utah wedding photographer, utah wedding blog, utah bridals, utah inside bridals, utah bridal locations fun and beautiful bridal photography, fun utah photographer, lds temple wedding, utah wedding utah wedding blog, fun bridals,

Did you know the Utah State Capitol closes at 6:00?

Well, we learned that it closed at six the hard way.  But we still managed to squeeze in a whole bunch of awesome photos.  Caitlin and Terry were awesome as I ran them around the Capitol here in Salt Lake City.  Caitlin’s sister rocked the off camera flash.  I usually set it up on light stands but it is a lot easier to have an assistant hold it.  And boy did we eat through the batteries.  I think I have to ask Santa to bring me some more rechargeables!   The State Capitol is a popular bridal location and hopefully we were able to get a few shots that you haven’t seen before.


utah wedding photographer for utah weddings, awesome photos everytime, utah weddins in salt lake city

Preview of Bridal/Groomals! Utah State Capitol

Caitlin is an awesome bride and her and Terry always have so much fun together that I love to photograph them.  I must say that with our limited time that Caitlin’s sister helped out a ton by holding my off camera flashes for some of the photos from this session.  I always love to experiment with light!  The capitol was the perfect location.  I know that it often get’s dismissed as a location but I absolutely love the photos I took there.  I can’t wait to show them to you in my next post!

awesome new wedding photography blog

This is the blog of a utah wedding photographer.  She loves to shot in salt lake city and the surrounding areas.  If you are looking for cute and trendy photos take a look around my blog and have a great time getting to know me!  I love to photograph brides and grooms.  If you like this groomal session at the salt lake city capitol leave me some love.  Go utah wedding photographers!

Photo Booth for Date Night Dance

The University of Utah Institute is awesome! I’ve done a couple of events for them and each one gets better and better. This activity was a fun date night. I really wish BYU had an awesome institute program like the U does. Because we have done a photo booth at multiple events the students get really into it. We had a line for most of the night. If you are new to my blog and this is the first photo booth you have seen of mine, know that it is my studio. Majoring in Photography I feel in love with the studio. How else could you take 900 photos in two hours? And with my amazing husband we are able to print out photos strips on the spot. I knew I married him for a reason! Thanks Jon I love you so much!