Author archives: Becky

Seeing Santa

We are down visiting my parents for the holiday.  We took my little girl to see Santa. I’m so proud of her big smile!  It was fun to cellebrate her first Christmas.

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Shantai’s Bridals Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek of some bridals I took for my friend Shantai. We took them in a Thai restaurant. The owner was super cool about letting us come in during off hours and taking photos. We did get a few off looks form some usuals that apparently like to eat at all hours of the day. What? You don’t go out for Thai dressed up in your wedding dress? All in all it was a lot of fun. What an adventurous bride! I will upload more late until then here’s your sneak peek!
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Mary’s Bridals

tThese photos were so much fun to take at the State Capitol.  I loved being able to shoot out across Salt Lake City.   The bride was so such a good sport to come up from Provo to Salt Lake to take these photos.  I loved her dress it was simply just elegant.  We had a blast using the gorgeous sunset light and then later shooting into dusk.  I can’t wait to shoot her wedding up in Logan!

LDS Business College–Video Slideshow of Photo Booth

We finally have all of the photos posted on We had a great time there. Here’s a video slideshow of the photos from last night. If you want your own copy of the slide show for your blog or facebook let me know. Just send me an email at ravenberg( at ) 

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Photo Booth at LDS Business College

These are a few of my favorites from the dance. These kids rocked the photo booth!  We are working on getting all of your photos up on instaproofs. Until then you can also see more photos on my facebook page I had a ton of fun taking the “photo booth” out on location. What a beautiful location! Have a good night!

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