Author archives: Becky

Black Light Special

I had a great time shooting people at the University of Utah Institute. It was great to see so much diversity. Everyone was great and loved to put on a show for the camera. I shot exactly 793 photos. Not too shabby for an 8-midnight gig. Especially when you figure 90% of the you didn’t show up until the fashionably late time of 9:30. I know I was competing with speed dating upstairs but I think we even made a love connection or two! Just remember me when you get married! Maybe you could even use one of your lovely photos as your wedding announcement. For cute! Remember you can order your photos here You can add my fan page on Facebook That was really long, but it works-I tried it. Anyway, LOVED the photos! Here are a few of my favorites!


Seeing the olympics end made me think of these. My husband and I lived in China for the second year of marriage. It was a wonderful experience. And I can say that now that I’ve been home for about a year. China is a hard place to get use to. It smelled, was very hot and humid, cultural differences, and I didn’t like the food. Now that I’ve been home I’m missing China. I miss cheap taxies, subways, fresh fruit, and the close conections we made there. My husband is studying law at the U. He hopes to practise in Beijing. I love Beijing. I love the city and the culture there. Here are a few photos of Beijing.
I didn’t like Nanjing as much. It is still more old traditional china. Nan (South) Jing (Capital) was the old capital of china. These photos were taken outside of the Presidental Palace. I guess you could think of it as the forbidden city of Nanjing.

So, Is it a booth? Or not?

I have gotten many questions about the photo booth. I keep trying to explain that it is my studio that I take on location. But, I’m more artistic than articulate so I decided that I better post some photos of what it looks like. For Shannon and everybody else that has asked here you go.

Standard Black Backdrop
Red Backdrop (for the more daring)

What the photo strips look like. These are printed out within minutes of when photos are taken.

*All photos are taken with my professional Canon digital camera and are displayed instantly on a 22 inch LCD.


I am so excited to be a part of the Black Light Special being held at the University of Utah Institute on September 19, 8pm-12am. It’s going to be the biggest baddest dance ever held within city limits! I’m serious the students planning the event are so cool! Listen to this: they are going to have a Country Dance, Hip Hop Dance, soft serve icecream machine!, Mechanical Bull!!, and ME!!! I got a chance to meet some of the LDSSA members making the event happen and we had a ball with the photo booth. A big THANK YOU to Brandon and the rest of you! Here are some of your photos!

Come have a blast with us! Who knows what’s going to happin!
There’s going to be hotties!What a work of Art!
Did I mention they have refreshments?

SLC Photo Booth

Because I love to do photo booths at weddings and other events I decided to buy the domain . I still do traditional wedding photography but because of my love of having fun with my portable studio I decided to advertise the photo booth more. My dear friend , Eric Comstock, Cosmo Cricket . Designed this business card for the booth. I love his use of typography and color on the card. Take a look for yourself. I LOVE them Eric!
I especially like that it’s length is the same as a regular business card but is long and skinny like my photo strips from the photo booth. Perfect!

Baby Photos

Every month I set up my home studio and take photos of my baby, Mary. It’s fun to see how much she has grown and to document her progress. I decided that since I set it up anyway to have friends and nieghbors come over for photos too. Here are some of my favorite photos from this month.

I’m the best model ever! Aren’t I cute? I love sleeping babies! So precious! Too bad Mary doesn’t believe in sleep! I’m ready for my closs up! How stinkin’ cute is she!? She is such a doll! You can tell this one is mine because there are the most photos of her. What can I say? I love her. You can see more of the other two shoots at Karate Baby!This apple is tasty!

Mary’s getting ready for back to school!

You Tube

So I was curious as to other photographers who do photo booths at weddings. So I was searching youtube and stumbled onto this cool art projcct. They set up a photo booth but also video taped it at the same time. So you could see the people talk and communicate and laugh between photos. Looks like a fun concept. Check it out here

Jory and Angie

I loved shooting this wedding! Angie and Jory were so much fun. They had the prettiest decorations for their wedding. I keep kicking myself that I didn’t take a photo of what the photo booth looked like there. I guess it’s not really a booth. It’s my studio; background, light, tv, and printer. It looked great next to their great flower arrangements and fountain. It was great because it was inbetween their wedding line and the food. So I was able to take photos of all the guests in route to the refreshments. The guests loved taking home their photos as party favors. Even though we stopped when they threw the buoquet and for the cake cutting I was still able to take over 300 photos in the two hour period. So much fun! I can’t wait for my next wedding!